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JROTC Patriotism Award


The Knights of Columbus, Assembly 3309 in Rio Rancho, New Mexico will award the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Patriotism Award to a meritorious cadet enrolled in the JROTC at Cleveland High School and Rio Rancho High School.  This award consists of a framed certificate signed by the Assembly’s Faithful Navigator and a Citation signed by the Pastor of The Church of the Incarnation. The Assembly will also provide a $250 gift card.


If there are no eligible seniors at each of the JROTC Program a $150 donation will be awarded to the Cleveland High School and/or Rio Rancho High School JROTC Program.


This award is given annually to a meritorious cadet enrolled in Army JROTC at Cleveland High School and Marine Corps JROTC at Rio Rancho High School by Our Lady of the Incarnation, Knights of Columbus, Assembly 3309.  


The Assembly's goal is to promote Catholic/Christian patriotism with the youth of our community through the Cleveland High School and Rio Rancho High School, JROTC Annual National Awards Presentation.


Recipient must:

1.     Be currently enrolled in the JROTC program at Cleveland HS or Rio Rancho HS

2.     Demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, respect for military discipline and standards, and possess a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training.

3.     A cadet must be actively involved at their church or place of worship or with their faith denomination.

4.     Be a senior who intends to continue their education or have a desire to serve his or her country in the US military.

5.     Have encouraged and demonstrated the ideals of American Patriotism by deed or conduct or both

6.     Demonstrate a high degree of loyalty to the unit, school, and the country.

7.     Not have previously received this award.

8.     Be a senior enrolled in the ARMY JROTC Program at Cleveland HS and Marine Corps JROTC at Rio Rancho HS who demonstrates qualities and criteria listed above.


 Patriotism Award Application

Click the emblem to open and download the application.  Submit the finished application to
Faithful Navigator: 
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Patriotism Award 2023-2024 Cleveland High School Cadet Zachary Cruz

Patriotism Award 2022-2023 Cleveland High School
Cadet Jerimiah Jadin Cortez

Patriotism Award 2022-2023 Rio Rancho High School
Cadet Carlos Sweeney

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Patriotism Award 2021-2022 Cleveland High School                                          Cadet Katlyn Campbell 

Patriotism Award 2021-2022 Rio Rancho High School                                        Cadet Cody Cragun 

Patriotism Award 2020-2021 Cleveland High School  - Cadet Jacob Hibbard 

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Patriotism Award 2019-2020  Cleveland High School 
              Cadet Second Lieutenant Karina Gonzales.

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Patriotism Award 2019-2020 Rio Rancho High School 
            New Cadet Battalion Commander Trent Kroger 

Patriotism Award 2017-2018 Rio Rancho High School - Cadet Elijah Martinez

Patriotism Award 2017-2018 Cleveland High School - Cadet Kieran O'Hara

Patriotism Award 2016-2017 - Cadet Sean Flores

Patriotism Award 2015-2016 - Cadet Gregg Barry
Patriotism Award 2015-2016 - Cadet Gregg Barry
Gregg has been accepted to the United States Air Force Academy
Congratulations to Gregg and his family.
Patriotism Award 2014-2015 - Cadet Peter Aiello
Patriotism Award 2013-2014 -  Cadet Analise Sena
A1C  Sena, currently a member of the US Air Force, Security Forces 2017 

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