Our Lady of the Incarnation Assembly #3309
2309 Monterrey Rd. Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Assembly 3309 Officers
2024-2025 Fraternal Year
Faithful Friar
Father Leo Ortiz
The Friar (Chaplain) is the spiritual advisor of the Assembly and reports on religious matters.
Faithful Navigator
SK Jim Guth
The Faithful Navigator is the chief executive officer of the assembly and acts as the Presiding Officer, with all the powers and duties incident to such office. He appoints committees, countersigns orders and checks. He annually appoints or reappoints the Assembly Color Corps Commander. In his absence, or inability to perform such duties of office, the Faithful Captain shall perform such duties and exercise such powers.
Faithful Captain
SK Ross Aiello
The Faithful Captain is second in command. He assists the Navigator with Assembly affairs and fulfills all duties assigned to him by the Navigator. Should the Navigator be absent from an Assembly meeting, the Captain will preside. He is chairman of the Assembly’s retention committee and also a member of the Advisory Board.
Faithful Comptroller
SK Tom Plate
The Faithful Comptroller is an elected position in the Fourth Degree. His main area of responsibility is maintaining all financial and membership records. He alone collects and receives all moneys from all sources, including annual dues from Assembly members.
Faithful Admiral
SK John Alvarado
The Admiral (usually the Past Faithful Navigator) has a variety of responsibilities. Primarily, he assists the Navigator and the Captain in the execution of their duties and oversees the Assembly in both their absences. He is charged with strengthening the members’ interests in Assembly activities. The Admiral is chairman of the admission committee. In the absence of the Faithful Friar, performs his duties at assembly meetings
Faithful Pilot
SK Steve Wilson
The Faithful Pilot shall have charge of all properties of the Assembly except monies, accounts and record books of the officers, but including ceremonials; shall be responsible for arrangement of the Assembly Chamber and shall direct and be responsible for the activities of the Sentinels.
Faithful Purser
SK Henry Chavez
The Faithful Purser is the custodian of all funds obtained from any source. Makes deposits and keeps records. Pays all orders drawn on him by the Faithful Comptroller and Faithful Navigator. Makes records available to the Board of Trustees as required.
Faithful Scribe
SK Clemente Garcia
The Faithful Scribe keeps records of the minutes of all regular and special meetings.
Faithful Inner Sentinel
SK Joseph Perez
The Faithful Inner and Outer Sentinels shall be responsible to see that all in attendance at meetings are in possession of appropriate valid Third and Fourth Degree membership cards and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Faithful Pilot. The Sentinels have similar responsibilities, but distinct differences. The Inner Sentinel checks to make sure that all Sir Knights hold membership cards that are current.
Faithful Outer Sentinel
SK Steve Schroder
The Faithful Inner and Outer Sentinels shall be responsible to see that all in attendance at meetings are in possession of appropriate valid Third and Fourth Degree membership cards and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Faithful Pilot. The Sentinels have similar responsibilities, but distinct differences. The outside Sentinel tends to the outer door admitting visitors and members to the inner door.
1 Year Trustee
SK Dominick Lepore
The board of trustees consists of three members elected by the Assembly and the Navigator who serves as chairman of the board. They oversee the work of the Comptroller and Purser, and with the Captain, serve on the Assembly’s retention committee. During Assembly elections, only the three-year trustee is voted on, with the others moving up to become two and one-year trustees, respectively. The Board is responsible for auditing the record books of the Faithful Comptroller and Faithful Purser annually (June 30).
2 Year Trustee
SK Jack Ferguson
The board of trustees consists of three members elected by the Assembly and the Navigator who serves as chairman of the board. They oversee the work of the Comptroller and Purser, and with the Captain, serve on the Assembly’s retention committee. During Assembly elections, only the three-year trustee is voted on, with the others moving up to become two and one-year trustees, respectively. The Board is responsible for auditing the record books of the Faithful Comptroller and Faithful Purser annually (June 30).
3 Year Trustee
SK Gerald Roybal
The board of trustees consists of three members elected by the Assembly and the Navigator who serves as chairman of the board. They oversee the work of the Comptroller and Purser, and with the Captain, serve on the Assembly’s retention committee. During Assembly elections, only the three-year trustee is voted on, with the others moving up to become two and one-year trustees, respectively. The Board is responsible for auditing the record books of the Faithful Comptroller and Faithful Purser annually (June 30).
Color Corp Commander
SK John Alvarado
The Guard Commander is appointed by the Faithful Navigator to organize and lead the Color Corps for the Assembly, and is responsible for the training and deployment of the guard